Star Trek: Discovery Season 5, Episode 3 Ending Explained


  • Moll and L’ak are setting a trap on the USS Discovery – Adira may be in danger.
  • The Progenitors’ treasure was safeguarded by six secret scientists in the 24th century.
  • Commander Rayner struggles to connect with the crew – Burnham seeks answers beyond the treasure.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 5, Episode 3 Ending Explained

Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 3, “Jinaal”, brings Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and the USS Discovery one step closer to finding the Progenitors’ treasure, but little do they know Moll (Eve Harlow) and L’ak (Elias Toufexis) are making insidious moves against them. Written by Kyle Jarrow and Lauren Wilkinson and directed by Andi Armaganian, the third episode of Star Trek: Discovery season 5 splits the action between the planet Trill and Commander Rayner (Callum Keith Renne) and Ambassador Saru (Doug Jones) having difficulty adjusting to their new assignments.

Captain Burnham and Cleveland Booker (David Ajala) pass a test created by Jinaal (Wilson Cruz) with flying colors. Jinaal was the host of a Trill symbiont who was alive in the 24th century, and he was part of a coalition of scientists, which included the Romulan Doctor Vellek (Michael Copeman) who hid the Progenitors’ technology to protect the galaxy. A Trill ritual allowed Jinaal to occupy the body of Dr. Hugh Culber (Wilson Cruz), and the Trill took steps to ensure Burnham and Book were “worthy” of finding the Progenitors’ treasure. However, Discovery’s crew may unwittingly be walking into a trap set up by Moll and L’ak.

What Did Moll Attach To Adira At The End Of Star Trek: Discovery Season 5, Episode 3?

Moll and L’ak are making a move on the USS Discovery

After Jinaal departed Dr. Culber’s body and he, Captain Burnham, and Cleveland Booker beamed back aboard the USS Discovery, Moll secretly placed a device on the arm of Ensign Adira Tal (Blu del Barrio). The Trills were warned by Burnham that Moll and L’ak would come seeking the clue hidden on Trill, but Guardian Xi (Andreas Apergis) was certain Trill would withstand any aggressive act. But what the Trill didn’t anticipate was Moll, who is human, infiltrating the Trill during their ritual and planting something on Discovery’s young Ensign.

32nd-century technology in Star Trek: Discovery is made of programmable matter, which explains why Moll’s device disappeared.

The tiny device Moll hid on Adira’s arm quickly vanished, but there are a few possibilities for what the tech could be. The device could be a tracker of some sort; since Moll knows Burnham found the clue on Trill, she could be ensuring that she and her lover, L’ak, will be able to follow the USS Discovery wherever it jumps to next. The device could also be some kind of communicator or a weapon that could incapacitate Adira. It may also be a tiny transporter that would allow Adira to be beamed to L’ak’s ship where they could be held hostage.

Moll, who likely was incognito in the Trill caves for the duration of Star Trek: Discovery, probably overheard Adira’s conversations with their love interest, Gray Tal (Ian Alexander), and their decision to break up. Adira, who is young and inexperienced, is the ideal target for Moll and L’ak to plant a device on. This may be the end of Adira and Gray’s Star Trek: Discovery love story. Their breakup is also an interesting juxtaposition to Moll and L’ak, who are lovers themselves but are committed to each other and are on the same journey, unlike the young Trill and Ensign.

Everything Star Trek: Discovery Season 5, Episode 3 Revealed About The Progenitors’ Treasure

Great steps were taken to protect the ancient power to create life

Jinaal leads Book and Captain Burnham through Trill in Star Trek Disovery

Jinaal provided a wealth of new information about what happened to the Progenitors’ treasure after the events of Star Trek: The Next Generation‘s “The Chase.” According to Jinaal, in the 24th century, the President of the United Federation of Planets – possibly Jaresh-Inyo (Herschel Sparber) from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – secretly assembled a team of 6 Federation and non-Federation scientists, including Jinaal and Dr. Vellek. After years of researching the Progenitors’ message, they found the ancient technology in a sector of deep space. One of the scientists died horribly when they tried to activate it.

The scientists made it their life’s work to safeguard the Progenitors’ technology.

The scientists decided to hide the Progenitors’ treasure instead of turning it over to the Federation. At this point, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine‘s Dominion War engulfed the Alpha Quadrant, and anyone could be a Changeling. Jinaal and his colleagues made a pact and lied to the Federation about the treasure while redacting themselves from every database. The scientists made it their life’s work to safeguard the Progenitors’ technology, eventually creating a series of clues which they determined would deem whoever could find the treasure “worthy” of having it.

Meanwhile, on the USS Discovery, Commander Paul Stamets (Anthony Rapp) decoded Dr. Vellek’s Romulant tricorder and learned more about the Progenitors’ treasure. Stamets was excited about the applications of the Progenitors’ technology, which is billions of years old. The Progenitors could “design new lifeforms, accelerate evolution, modify ecosystems.” Stamets added, “If it can create life, then, in theory, it might also be possible to re-animate dead organisms.”

The Progenitors’ technology sounds like the Genesis Device from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan but with even more potential to create – or destroy – life.

Saru Made A Faux Pas About Announcing His Wedding To T’Rina

Saru has a lot to learn about love and politics

T'Rina and Saru holding a globe in Star Trek Discovery

The newly-minted Ambassador Saru performed well in his first delegation meeting about the rising threat of the Breen, but he made a faux pas when it came to announcing his engagement to President T’Rina (Tara Rosling). T’Rina’s political aide, Duvin (Victor Andres Trelles Turgeon), became concerned about the optics of the President of Ni’Var siding with the Kelpien Ambassador, especially when the news of their engagement becomes public. Saru listened to Duvin and got cold feet about announcing his engagement to T’Rina.

Duvin feared T’Rina’s Presidential power weakening among Vulcan purists if she marries an offworlder.

Ultimately, T’Rina made Saru realize that making a public announcement is better than news of their engagement leaking out, which would make it seem like the couple were hiding something scandalous. Saru confessed his inexperience in romance and politics, but T’Rina has enough savviness for them both. Saru and T’Rina’s wedding is on, and will likely take place sometime during Star Trek: Discovery season 5.

Commander Rayner Will Have Trouble Fitting In With The USS Discovery Crew

Rayner’s not looking to connect and make friends on Discovery

Commander Rayner looking dejected in Star Trek Discovery

Now demoted to Commander as the new First Officer of the USS Discovery, Rayner was ordered by Captain Burnham to meet with and forge connections with the USS Discovery’s crew. But Rayner was more interested in hunting Moll and L’ak, and he only met with Discovery’s crew members for brief, unfriendly intervals, to the disgust of Lieutenant Sylvia Tilly (Mary Wiseman). Rayner made no real inroads in connecting with Discovery’s personnel, although he paid attention and made insightful observations about each Starfleet Officer.

Commander Rayner not immediately fitting in on Discovery is more realistic.

Tilly was right that Commander Rayner, who was on a new ship after an embarrassing demotion, compensated by acting boorishly to hide how difficult it was for him. To Star Trek: Discovery season 5’s credit, Commander Rayner not immediately fitting in on Discovery is more realistic than the Kellerun Starfleet Officer being welcomed with open arms. Rayner will have a long road to earning the respect of the USS Discovery’s crew, and vice versa, although Captain Burnham may not be pleased with how her new Number One alienated himself from her friends and family aboard the Disco.

Rayner explained he purposely kept a professional distance from his crew when he was Captain of the USS Antares.

Captain Burnham Is Searching For Something Bigger Than The Progenitors’ Treasure

Michael has big questions she needs answered

Captain Burnham practices Vulcan meditation in Star Trek Discovery

At the start of Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 2, “Under the Twin Moons,” Captain Burnham confessed that she used to find purpose in her missions, but now she is searching for something more. A greater meaning. Jinaal assessed this about Burnham on Trill, and Michael related the same to Dr. Hugh Culber. For Burnham, the Progenitors’ treasure isn’t just technology that can alter the destiny of the Federation, but it could mean answers Michael is seeking about the meaning of life, itself.

Captain Burnham’s quest may reflect Star Trek: Discovery looking inward for something more profound.

Interestingly, Captain Burnham’s spiritual journey in Star Trek: Discovery season 5 loosely echoes someone from her adoptive Vulcan family: Sybok (Lawrence Luckinbill). In Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, Spock’s criminal older half-brother sought God in the mythical world of Sha Ka Ree. Sybok’s quest was fueled by his own hubris, but the Vulcan truly did want to see and gain answers from the divine. Michael wants different answers than Sybok did, and Captain Burnham’s quest may reflect Star Trek: Discovery looking inward for something more profound than its nature as an action-adventure Star Trek series.

Where The Next Clue To The Progenitors’ Treasure Will Take Discovery

Discovery may take a pause in the treasure hunt

Two clues in the Progenitors treasure map in Star Trek Discovery

Interestingly, Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 3’s ending, doesn’t directly lead to the USS Discovery’s next destination after they depart Trill. Captain Burnham told Dr. Culber that the clue Jinaal gave them was being analyzed, but leads to the Tzenkethi system. However, Discovery is stymied by red tape as diplomats sort out the legalities of entering the Tzenkethi system. This could indicate a pause in Star Trek: Discovery season 5’s treasure hunt in episode 4, “Face the Strange.”

The Tzenkethi were a race that was never seen but was mentioned as enemies of the Federation on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , furthering Star Trek: Discovery ‘s DS9 connections.

However, it’s a safe bet whatever Moll planted on Adira will lead to the next crisis Captain Burnham will have to contend with. With three more pieces needed to complete the map to the Progenitors’ treasure and 7 more episodes to go in Star Trek: Discovery season 5, Captain Burnham’s hunt may take its first, strange detour.

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